Re: Learn from your peers webinar | Mastering complex customer journeys with Multi-Stream Engagement Programs

Marketo Employee

Learn from your peers | Master complex customer journeys with Multi-Stream Engagement Programs

Last updated date: September 20th, 2024
Hi Marketo Engage Community,


If you have not conquered Engagement Programs yet, please watch this Learn From Your Peers webinar covering the best practices for planning and building Engagement Programs. Engagement programs give you the power to listen to the needs and behavior of your customers and provide them with the relevant journey and necessary content. 


Adobe Marketo Engage Champion @Max_Garrett shares his years of wisdom, end-to-end processes from planning to execution, and real-world Engagement Program use cases across various customer lifecycle stages.


Key topics you’ll learn: 

  • Develop multi-stream strategy and plan: defining, progressing, and exiting streams
  • Build in Marketo Engage: program set up, nesting, request and executable campaigns
  • Report and measure success: leveraging native reporting functionalities such as Engagement Scores, Email Performance, and Stream Performance Reports.

Webinar Details:

  • Duration: 30 minutes presentation + 15 minutes Q&A
  • Experience Level: Advanced (>3 months of experience using Marketo Engage)
  • Roles: Marketing Practitioners, Administrators, Marketing Operations

‌‌Watch on-demand


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We’ve worked with Max Garrett to answer the questions the audience submitted during the live webinar. Check out the answers below. Comment below if you have additional feedback or questions to share. Happy learning! 



Speaker's Answer

What do you mean "transition content"?

Transition Rules are the built in campaigns within an engagement stream.  The biggest difference between a transition rule and a Smart Campaign is a transition has to be triggered and it will pull the record INTO the stream. Smart Campaigns are external from the streams, and they can PUSH people to streams. Both are options to move people in an engagement program into another stream of content in that

Would you recommend using an Email Program over an Engagement Program for a drip nurture?

An Email Program is meant for a single use send. If you are wanting to create a drip campaign you may be able to do it with a Smart Campaign if it is a single stream or an Engagement Program.  I would recommend using an engagement program if you want it sent on a regular cadence.  You also could transition to transition streams if there is a change in the topic of the stream in the Engagement Program.

What are the benefits of email vs program for content type?

Emails are great for evergreen content. The engagement score is calculated without additional work. If you want to get into different channels or add flow steps you want Default Programs.  Although it is a little bit more to set up, it does allow you to build casts and change content without having people in lower casts receive the new content.

What did you program success metric?

Program success is usually the last stage in a program membership.  Each instance may be different for the membership stages.  For a webinar for example, the stages would likely be invited, registered, attended.  Attended is the goal and be counted as the success.  Program success can help calculate ROI.

please share an example of a trigger

A trigger is a specific filter type that is is focused on an activity (fills out form) or a change (data value changes.)

How do you manage different languages within an engagement program?

Multiple ways you can manage languages: dynamic content in an email, email choice steps in a Smart Campaign, or separate streams.

How did you get to the Engagement Score feature?

It can be found on the dashboard of the Engagement Program or in an Engagement Stream Performance Report.

Would you recommend using dynamic content within the emails of an engagement program, or creating separate emails instead?

It depends on the use case; both are good options.  If you want to measure content by audience, I would have separate ones.

We have multiple products or product families with very different cycles (in terms of time to buy). How would you setup or make use of nurture programs to build multiple product based streams without interffering each other? How can you start and approach product based marketing?

Depends on your architecture. The products would need to be mutually exclusive.  For example, if you have a field "product of interest" and only one value can be in there then when that would be the way you can transition them if the product in that field changes.

Should we take a scoring point of more than 100? or their is there any limitation on that.

The engagement score is limited to 100.

For a recycled lead nurture (leads who have previously MQLed and who were worked by Sales, but didn't convert to paying customers but are still viable, they just need more time) who you recommend to have different streams for the 4 different recycled reasons (1. competitor, 2. not interested, 3. unresponsive, 4. timing)? Or would that be too convoluted?

If your system allows for it then yes, I would have 4 different streams around those points.

If somebody gets transitioned (through whatever manner) from stream 1 to stream 3, when they exhaust all content in stream 3 will they automatically return to their place in stream 1? or does one have to set a step to move them back to stream 1?

They would only transition back if a trigger pulled them back in, else they would stay exhausted in stream 3.

Can you provide examples of Dynamic Content?

For more use of Dynamic content, review this in the product doc.

We are currently scheduling emails based on the recipient's local time. However, we are considering utilizing throttling to improve email deliverability. Do you have any recommendations on how to best use throttling for the engagement program?

TEST!!! Create an Engagement Program that is a test group and one that is your system time zone.  You can use a Smart Campaign with a flow step to add to Engagement Program stream using random sample. You may want to start at 10% and move up.  That would be a good to test its engagement by stream for effectiveness.  if you use the exact same email in both streams you will want to make sure when you set up reporting you specify it by stream, else you can clone the content and append TEST to the time zone emails.

What is your recommendation for preventing people who can qualify to multiple nurtures from being active members in many?

Distill them into one Engagement Program. They can only be in one stream of the Engagement Program at a time. You could use a Default Program with a Smart Campaign that has a flow step of send email and a series of choices if you wanted to group by stage.

Level 1

Re: Learn from your peers webinar | Mastering complex customer journeys with Multi-Stream Engagement Programs

Hi @achiu 👋  I am interested!

+ First comment, so I get a notification when registration opens. Blocked my calendar on September 17 too. 🙂

Thanks for the heads up!

Gabrielle Richey
Marketo Employee

Re: Learn from your peers webinar | Mastering complex customer journeys with Multi-Stream Engagement Programs

@YoGabbaGabba Our registration is now open! Looking forward to having you with us live.