Re: Leads turned into MQLs since a certain date

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Leads turned into MQLs since a certain date

Is there a way to track all the leads that have qualified as MQL since a certain date? 
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Re: Leads turned into MQLs since a certain date

Hi Andreas. You can create a smart list with the filter for "Data Value Changed" and pull in the lead status field. Then add a constraint for new value is MQL and Date of Activity to specifiy the desired dates. Hope this helps!
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Re: Leads turned into MQLs since a certain date

If you are using the Marketo Revenue Cycle Model, you can use the Revenue Stage was Changed filter with the New Stage and Date of Activity constraints..  If you don't use the Revenue Cycle Model, but have this a field you usdate with this data, you can use the Data Value Changed filter with the New Value and Date of Activity constraints.