I've setup a standard Leads report (NOT RCE) using Group Leads By: Acquisition Program. Some programs (Program X, for example) aren't appearing as rows even though there are Leads who have that program in the locked Marketo field: Acquisition Program Name. Filters/Period Costs/etc are all setup fine; many Programs (we'll call 1 of them Program A) are reporting Leads just fine, others aren't.
The difference in leads coming through Program X vs Program A, as far as I can tell, lies in 4 stamped fields:
Original Source Type
Original Source Info
Registration Source Type
Registration Source Info
Program X is bringing in things through an API; Program A imported a list. So my question is, is there something I can do to Program X Leads besides updating Acquisition Program Name / Acquisition Program, or Program Status, that will make sure it's listed in the Leads Report? Is one of those 4 Source fields the culprit?
Are you always enforcing Acquisition Program when a lead becomes a member or success?
To my knowledge we don't have standalone programs related to Acq Programs; probably why the List Import works fine and API doesn't. We run a campaign to update Program Name with the Program ID, and we change member status to Responded.
Looks like it might have taken a while for the Acquisition Program data to populate into the report, more than 24 hours. But the field Acquisition Program Name works once I force an update to that.