Lead Velocity Dashboard Help

Level 1

Lead Velocity Dashboard Help

Hello Everyone, 
I hope you are having a great day. 

I was wondering that in the Lead Velocity Dashboard in Marketo Measure, how are we calculating the velocity for each stage as I do not see a specific datetime field for each stage. Also, there are multiple fields in the same stage so just using the last modified date wont work as it keeps on updating. I was wondering if there is any other way to do so? Thank you so much

Level 1

Re: Lead Velocity Dashboard Help

Here's a possible approach to solve this issue:


  1. Stage Entry and Exit Timestamps: You might need to create or track "entry" and "exit" timestamps for each stage. Although Marketo doesn’t automatically provide these, you can create custom fields or rules to capture the first time a lead enters a stage and exits it. This would give you more control over the velocity tracking without relying on "last modified."

  2. Smart Campaigns to Capture Stage Time: Set up Smart Campaigns to trigger whenever a lead moves into a specific stage. Upon this trigger, stamp the date/time into a custom date field (e.g., “Stage 1 Entry Date,” “Stage 2 Entry Date”). You can then calculate the duration spent in each stage by comparing these date fields.

  3. Use Lead History for Velocity: Instead of relying solely on "Last Modified Date," you can monitor the Lead Activity Log. By capturing when a lead progresses through different stages (like MQL, SQL, etc.), you can log the date/timestamp in custom fields or external systems. This log-based method is more accurate for velocity measurement, as it records each transition.

  4. Custom Objects or API Integration: If you need even more granular control, you might want to consider using Custom Objects or integrating with external systems (like a CRM) via API to store and manage stage velocity data. This would allow you to define the logic for each stage transition explicitly and avoid conflicts with frequent field updates.

By using these techniques, you'll have a clearer method to track the time spent in each stage and can accurately calculate the velocity without depending on unreliable "last modified" fields.


If your setup involves a CRM like Salesforce, syncing the fields for timestamps in both systems can also improve data consistency and accuracy for velocity calculation.