I am looking for best practices to implement a Lead Rating program in Marketo. For Lead Rating I mean a value that combines demographic score and behavioral score into one, such as A1, A2, B1, B2 etc. Is there a template program available? I am looking for the most efficient way to implement this logic without too much complexity added.
I mean it looks like you want basically two different scoring models-- one that is behavioral and one that is demographic.
if you use a 100 point scale -- you could say any behavior score 100-90 is A, 80-89 is B, 70-79 is C, 60-69 is D, anything below 60 is F
Another score that is demographic-- same deal - 100-90 is 1, 80-89 is 2, etc.
That part is straight forward (assuming you already know what you are scoring these leads on)
Then in your CRM create a workflow, trigger to concatenate these two fields.
Or you could use them as token to populate a 3rd field in Marketo and do something like {{lead.DemographicScore}}{{lead.BehavioralScore}} if you want to do this on the marketo side instead of the CRM.
You will need three fields
last two you need to create in SFDC and sync over on both record types. Then in Marketo, change them to Score field type.
@Paul, you can't quite do what you say here. Instead, the trigger or batch scoring has to have two flows:
or use scoring +5 or whatever.
If you want to use letters, then the field types need to change somehow.
Then your MQL flow has to say, anyone with Behavior AT LEAST X and Demo AT LEAST Y can go through.
Ah see, I was thinking this was beyond just a simple behavior+demo score situation-- points are fairly straight forward. It was the converting it to that Alphanumeric string that posed an interesting problem. I assume he was sort of going for an X/Y axis approach. (Letters on X, numbers on Y) A1 being the top right corner
I was looking at 5
Collect your Demo and Behavior score however you normally would (assuming this has been implemented)
a smart campaign using conditional statements and BETWEEN on Demoscore to assign the AlphaNumDemoScore
and then same on behavior.
Merge them together on AlphaNumLeadScore.
But if he has a mechanism to convert them to AlphaNum on the SF side-- then your method is 100% what he should do