Re: Lead Owner/Account Owner

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Lead Owner/Account Owner

What is the differnce between a lead owner and an account owner?
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Re: Lead Owner/Account Owner

This is simply in reference to different objects in Salesforce.  Every lead in your SFDC database can be assigned an owner, and every account in the database can be assigned an owner as well - does not have to be the same person who owns a given lead.

Marketo has most visibility and influence over lead actions and data, but can make some changes to the account object.  Is there a specific use case or reason you are asking about this?
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Re: Lead Owner/Account Owner

I dont' have SFDC. And I have 3 separate campaigns created where I send an alert email to a sales person depending on the lead's state. I'm getting more requests for that type of segmented alert and it's going to be too much to manage to have to change every campaign every time there is a territory change or staff change. So, I'm trying to figure out a way to only have the state assignment in one place, but be able to send alerts to respective sales people by thier territory. 

For example: i have created several fields (CMR Name, CMR Email, etc.) that assign our sales person's info by state so that I can pull those fields into signatures. Is there a way to send an alert email to a field? for example:
- If state is not empty, send alert to {CMR Email}
Level 10

Re: Lead Owner/Account Owner

Hi Michelle, unfortunately without SFDC these fields aren't very useful. You can't even use a token in the send alert to section, so you have to designate a specific email address there for the email to be delivered. You might use segmentations to make these territory or staff changes easier to update, but it will be manual and you won't be able to use the lead owner or account owner fields.