Lead blocked in operational email

Level 7

Lead blocked in operational email

I recently sent an email marked as operational, so it was delivered to all contacts (even unsubscribes). When reviewing the results, two contacts (unsubscribed to marketing emails) were delivered the operational email, but added to a blocked lead list. Any idea why there's a blocked lead list if it's an operational email?

Level 10

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

Hi Kim,

What is a "blocked lead list"? This is not a Marketo standard one and is likely a smart list defined in your instance. If this is the case, please provide a screenshot of the filters.

Or is this a static list? I which case the  answer will be in the activity log of these 2 leads, where you will know how they have been added to the list.


Level 7

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

Hi Greg,

The smart campaign included a static list, and upon looking at each contact's activity log, there's no mention of their unsubscribe or block. 2016-05-06_1313 - kimgandy's library

Level 10

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

Hi Kim,

You should look at the lead activity log and seach for the "add to list" activity. It will tell you how they arrived there.

Also, does that list really matter? Where is it used? To know this, click the "Used  by" tab in the list summary screen.


Not applicable

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

There is no blocked lead list by default in Marketo.  Are you sure its not something someone added?

Or are you referring to an ISP list?

Level 10

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

Kim Gandy​ Do you mean like this?  Grégoire Michel

Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 10.56.14.png

This is an operational email. Although it shows a list of 9 leads that are blocked from emails if you click on the list of 85 leads that its due to affect they're also there as well. 

Is this simply just a list of people that you're sending to that are usually unsubscribed?

Kind regards,


Level 10

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

Hi Gerard,

OK, the "blocked" means they will not be sent Marketing emails. The smart campaign does not "know" where the email that is in the "send email" flow step is operational or not, so it gives a computation of all unsubscribed, black listed, suspended and invalid emails.

This does not prevent the related leads to enter the flow and Marketo will event run then through the send email flow step. at this stage, it will examine every lead situation and decide to try sending the email or not.


Level 10

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

Thanks for the explanation Grégoire Michel

Level 10

Re: Lead blocked in operational email

You are welcome