Re: Lead activities paging

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Lead activities paging

I have some issues with the extraction of lead activities. I want to get every "PushLeadToSales" activities of every client. So I called the service with a request looking like this :

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mkt="">

It returns me the first 1000 activities :

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">

So I assume that sending the same request with the startPosition set to 1000 would send me the next page. So I sent :

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mkt="">

But I received :

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">
               <latestCreatedAt xsi:nil="true"/>
            <leadChangeRecordList xsi:nil="true"/>

How a return count of 0 is possible when the remaining was 5774? And how a remaining of -998 is possible at all?

If I do the same thing, but without filtering on attributes I got something similar. On the first request I receive 1000 activities, with a remaining of 2638351. On the second call, with the offset set to 1000, I still receive 1000 activities, but with a remaining of 8473. If I try with the offset set to 2000, I still receive 1000 activities, but the remaining is 7473.

Can anybody explains this?

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Re: Lead activities paging

Please log a support ticket - we'd like to investigate this

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Re: Lead activities paging

I got this message when I try :

Thank you for reaching out to Marketo Customer Support.


You are currently logged in through an instance that does not have rights to access the Marketo Support Portal.
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Re: Lead activities paging

Hi  Emmanuel,

Please log a support per Raj as well but my understanding is that product is aware of the incorrect/inconsistent remaining count but they have in the past recommended to ignore the actual remainingCount value if greater than zero and iterate until remaining count = 0.

You may want to specify the batch size as well on each call (i.e. 200).

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Re: Lead activities paging

Thanks for you answer Angelo. I'm not sure what you're advising me to do. My current remiaining count is -998, which is not = to 0 and even less greater then 0. Anyway, the offset returned is 1000, the same thing I sent, so I can't continue to iterate even if I'm avoiding the remaining count.

Specifying the batch size doesn't change anything.

Just for curiosity, what is the technology used to develop the web services? I know that the web site is built with php but is the api too?

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Re: Lead activities paging

That does seem odd behavior... yes, please log a ticket.  

I don't have insight into how services were built.