Salesforce support is recommending that integrations for sync to be done using LastModifiedDate instead of SystemModstamp. Is there a way in Marketo you could do it?
Every quarter salesforce rotates its encryption keys & then the system mod stamp triggers & in Marketo it sync all records. Is there a way to to avoid this?. We want to look at last modified date instead.
Hmmm, might be a good question for your customer success manager. I haven't heard of this done, but perhaps it is possible.
Hi Phillip. I have created a case with support & below is their response.
"there isn't a way to change what field the integration is using to look for updates. Lastmodifieddate is only looking at changes made by a user whereas systemmodstamp is updates from users as well as automated workflows and background processes: - Some Salesforce internal backend processes will also update 'SystemModstamp,' as 'SystemModstamp' is used internally to signal that a record, or related data, may have changed - and that internal processes may need to synchronize themselves to the new record data. Marketo is using the Systemmodstamp field because its the exact use case needed when it comes to keeping changes up to date."
Seems logical. So if you go off LastModifiedDate, you will miss any changes not made by a user, which would likely be important.
A shame about the encryption keys. How large is your database? Would it take a long time to sync everything back in?