Last Interesting Moments not syncing properly with Salesforce

Not applicable

Last Interesting Moments not syncing properly with Salesforce

Is this for both leads and contacts? We're having a similar issue with our Marketo-Salesforce sync in that our leads are getting the data, but once the lead is converted, the contact isn't maintaining that respective lead data. It's as if Marketo is moving too fast for Salesforce conversion so once the lead is converted to a contact, the Last Interesting Moment data is blank for a minute, and Marketo pulls in the blank data, and then syncs with Salesforce again, thus keeping the Last Interesting Moment fields blank.

Not applicable

Re: Last Interesting Moments not syncing properly with Salesforce

Marketo-Salesforce sync is the issue in that our leads are getting the data, but once the lead is converted, the contact isn't maintaining that respective lead data. It's as if Marketo is moving too fast for Salesforce conversion so once the lead is converted to a contact in Salesforce, the Last Interesting Moment data is blank for a minute, and Marketo then quickly pulls in the blank data, and then syncs with Salesforce again, thus keeping the Last Interesting Moment fields blank.

Level 10

Re: Last Interesting Moments not syncing properly with Salesforce

Hi Allie,

Yes, this should work for leads and contacts and the conversion should not change this.

  1. Go to your fields definitions in SFDC, and check the field is created exactly the same on leads and contacts.
  2. Go to the leads side, and check the field is correctly mapped on lead conversion
  3. Check the 2 fields can be correctly accessed by the Marketo sync user (through the profile).
