Re: Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

Marketo Employee

Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

hi there,

When I look at the LP Report for my pages, I see a disparity between the report and the Campaign report.  My LP Report may show 1 conversion but my campaign shows 11 people filled out a form.  What gives and how do I correct?

Also, how do I see number of unique visitors to my page instead of just total views?
Robb Barrett
Not applicable

Re: Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

Using the refresh report option has helped that problem for us. Usually it has been just stuck for some reason.
Marketo Employee

Re: Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

Problem isn't the refresh, it's that the report is showing vastly different numbers than the campaign.  I just want to see how many unique visitors came to my page and then how many of them filled out the form on the page.  This should be an easy report to pull, but it's oddly difficult in Marketo.
Robb Barrett
Not applicable

Re: Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

Hi Robb,

Can you please send us the link of the landing page report to with a brief explanation of the numbers not matching?  The mismatch may be a result of a lead merge/delete, but we can look at your data to confirm.


Not applicable

Re: Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

I am having the same issue as stated above. I'll submit a ticket as well.
Not applicable

Re: Landing Page Report Conversions not matching Form Fills

Has anyone gotten an answer on this issue?  Our landing page reports are way off the actual number of form fills we've gotten.  It's actually been that way for a few months now; not sure exactly when it started but there was a definite turning point after which the report numbers just went way out of whack.  If I go back and run the same report for the same date ranges we ran previously, the numbers that come back now are about 95% lower than the numbers we got originally.