Re: Landing Page Alignment Issue

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Landing Page Alignment Issue

My web developer and I built brand new landing page templates. After designing the landing pages and testing them out on all browsers and screens. The brand new pages under the new templates appear to be aligned completely to the right on the laptop screen, the page is not centered at all. I checked other templates and pages and the they appear fine. I know this is something in the HTML of the template, but my developer and I can't figure it out. Could someone please assist us on this issue.
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Re: Landing Page Alignment Issue

Hello, thank you for your response. Here is the link to a page using the template. If you open it on a laptop screen it will appear centered, but if you open it on a larger screen it appears left aligned now. Please let me know your recommendations.

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Re: Landing Page Alignment Issue

It would help greatly if you include a link to a page with the problem so we can take a look at the code.

Thank you,

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Re: Landing Page Alignment Issue

Ultimately yea, we need to see the page. There's nothing standard in marketo to make the pages right aligned. Are you using Chrome's DevTools? You should just be able to right click on the outermost div and see what line of code is making it right aligned. Tell me, did you center your content by using an outerWrap div set on Margin:0 auto; ? This is the easiest way to center content.
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Re: Landing Page Alignment Issue

Hello, thank you for your response. Here is the link to a page using the template. If you open it on a laptop screen it will appear centered, but if you open it on a larger screen it appears left aligned now. Please let me know your recommendations.
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Re: Landing Page Alignment Issue

Was this page deleted? I get the homepage not this marketo landing page, which means the name changed or was deleted.