Issuing Marketo licenses for Outlook Plug-in Users

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Issuing Marketo licenses for Outlook Plug-in Users

As an FYI for the community, I ran across this oddity today and wanted to share.

I had two users that had previous licenses for the Sales Insight Outlook Plug-in.  When attempting to issue some limited licenses as actual Marketo users, I ran into the error "This userid is in use. Choose another email."

After contacting Support, we found that since the emails were in the database as Email Add-in users, the system could not issue the standard Marketo licenses.

To resolve the situation, you must first revoke the Sales Insight Email Add-in license.

Then, create the standard Marketo license as desired.

Then, re-issue a Sales Insight Email Add-in license to the users.

Hope this helps anyone with the same issue.


Not applicable

Re: Issuing Marketo licenses for Outlook Plug-in Users

Thanks for the info!