Issues with email scripting - equals throws errors and use of variables fales

Level 4

Issues with email scripting - equals throws errors and use of variables fales

Hi everyone, 

I have some issues with velocity and email scripting. Hope that you can tell me what I'm doing wrong. 
Guess you know the example from showing how to use a simple if construction. 

Trying to use the constructor copy and paste does not work so I tried to adapt it due to the documentation but without success. 


#if(${lead.Salutation} == "Mr")
	#set($greeting = "Dear Mr. ${lead.LastName}")
	#set($greeting = "Error: $lead.Salutation unknown")


The result of this code is "Dear Mr. ${lead.LastName}" but the Last Name is not injected into the string. 

Trying the following adaptions brought the same result. (The second without the brackets )


#set($greeting = "Dear Mr. " +${lead.LastName})
#set($greeting = "Dear Mr. " +$lead.LastName)


So I was not able to bring the value of the database into the string, 

Second Issue:

I tried to use .equals() instead of "==" but this threw an error. 


	"Sehr geehrter Herr ${lead.LastName},"


Threw the following error


Cannot get email content- <div>An error occurred when procesing the email Body! </div> <p>Lexical error, Encountered: "e" (101), after : "." at *unset*[line 375, column 27] near</p> <div><pre >&lt;div class=&quot;mktoText&quot; id=&quot;text&quot;&gt; </pre><pre >&lt;p&gt;#if(${lead.Salutation}.equals(&quot;Mr&quot;))</pre><pre class="x-form-item-label"> &quot;Sehr geehrter Herr ${lead.LastName},&quot;</pre><pre >#else</pre><pre > ${lead.Salutation}</pre></div>


Do you have an idea what went wrong here?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Issues with email scripting - equals throws errors and use of variables fales

Unfortunately, the examples in the docs have several errors/suboptimal practices.


I tried to use .equals() instead of "==" but this threw an error. 


	"Sehr geehrter Herr ${lead.LastName},"

In this particular case you should be using simple references, not formal references.


#if(${lead.Salutation} == "Mr")
	#set($greeting = "Dear Mr. ${lead.LastName}")
	#set($greeting = "Error: $lead.Salutation unknown")


The result of this code is "Dear Mr. ${lead.LastName}" but the Last Name is not injected into the string. 

Most likely because you didn’t check off Last Name in the tree on the right-hand-side of Script Editor.


I recommend you read all my Products Blog posts on Velocity and the additional posts at These are the seminal sources of information on how to code Velocity correctly for the Marketo context.