Issues with campaign request, not actually requesting in a timely manner...

Level 1

Issues with campaign request, not actually requesting in a timely manner...

Has anyone else seen sometimes hours between a campaign request and the actual processing of a record? Marketo states that its an issue with the campaign queue, but that's not entirely convincing to me as my queue is empty and my instance is just about 2 months old with only a few K records in the database. 

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Level 2

Re: Issues with campaign request, not actually requesting in a timely manner...

Hi Tim,

Does your instance have a high volume of active trigger campaigns and/or engagement programs? These are known to slow down your instance processing speed but cannot be seen in the campaign queue. 

Level 1

Re: Issues with campaign request, not actually requesting in a timely manner...

As I’m on a new instance I haven’t even had the proper time to build a lot

of trigger campaigns...I have a few handful active now. No more than 10 I’d

say. I’ve used Marketo for almost a decade now at different companies. This

is a first for me and Marketo support has no answer for me when I

experienced this a month ago....

On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 7:13 PM Geena Boyer <>

Level 1

Re: Issues with campaign request, not actually requesting in a timely manner...

Hi Tim,

I have looked into your issue and provided the support team handling your case with additional information that may be helpful. They should be reaching out to you soon. Thank you for your continued patience!

Level 1

Re: Issues with campaign request, not actually requesting in a timely manner...

Thanks Justin Buckner‌. Still waiting to hear from the team. My case that I reopened actually got closed, just opened it again.