Is there any way to add custom fields to a Program or Campaign?

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Is there any way to add custom fields to a Program or Campaign?


Is there any way to add custom fields to a Program or Campaign? New fields that could hold values in them very similar to custom fields on Person records.

In Salesforce we have several custom fields on the Campaign object, would like to carry those values into Marketo if possible.

Thank You.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there any way to add custom fields to a Program or Campaign?

Depends on what you want to do with the data. In some ways Program-level {{my.tokens}} are exactly what you describe for Programs (the same doesn't exist yet for Campaigns). There are some open ideas about this, for sure.

Level 10

Re: Is there any way to add custom fields to a Program or Campaign?

Aside of program tokens, no.

Vote here:

and quite a few more listed here: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?
