I have a list to import into Marketo where the name field is not split into first and last name. Is there an easy way to get my name field separated into first and last name for import? It won't populate the full name field as that is a marketo auto populated field.
Your best bet is to separate this data in your spreadsheet prior to importing into Marketo. Here's one of many guides online: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Split-names-by-using-the-Convert-Text-to-Columns-Wizard-39f...
but this only works if you everyone has only a First and Last name, with no spaces. Right now, I am working on a list with like 80 names (of 2K) that this does not work for and so will have to do it manually.
so what I am doing as a next step is concatenating all the last name value cells and putting them into 1 cell. then i will manually check and adjust any double first names, etc.
Agree with Dan's suggestion here. It should still work, even if there is only one name. Only the first column would be filled in, depending on the way your names are formatted.