Is there a way to add JS to a Marketo form button?

Level 1

Re: Is there a way to add JS to a Marketo form button?

Agreed. It is ultimately useful when comparing clicks on the button vs successful submissions which would clue us in as to whether or not we are doing a good job making sure that it is understood as to what fields are required. If users are clicking and the form is not submitting that could mean we failed. That or there is an error with the form submission. They fill all the fields but somehow we end up blocking a successful submission. Maybe a hidden field we marked as required that they can't fill out. Of course, we should probably catch an issue like this during QA but sometimes things slip by or additional code on the page breaks exiting JS.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to add JS to a Marketo form button?

Possibly, but in my experience it just results in people saying “we’re missing leads!” and going on a wild goose chase.