Re: Is it possible to set a field value as a form name? (LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms)

Level 2

Is it possible to set a field value as a form name? (LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms)

I want to segment inbound leads from LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms by which form they filled out. I have a field to capture this but the ad team is constantly adding and deleting what forms are active. Is there a way I could set the field value to the name of the form the person filled out? Right now I am running a step in my smart campaign's flow that says "If Filled out linkedin form is X" then "Field value is X" and there are currently only 8 steps on that, one for each active form.

This isn't scalable as I'd prefer not to continue to manage this process for segmentation especially when the ad team often doesn't tell me when changes are made in LinkedIn ads. Does anyone know of a token or something that can be created for this?

Level 5

Re: Is it possible to set a field value as a form name? (LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms)

Hi Brian, I would set up a trigger campaign that triggers on Fills Out LinkedIn Lead Gen Form and the flow would be change data value (your field) new value {{}}.

