Is changing required fields possible??

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Is changing required fields possible??

When my sales team creates a new lead, I was hoping to make 'Lead Source' a required field  that needs a vale before the contact can be saved.  Does anyone know the best and easiest way to make this a equired field?
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Re: Is changing required fields possible??

We have it as required as well. Do you have Salesforce? You should do it there at the field setup level. Just make sure this field has a value on all your forms so your sales team only has to worry about the ones they are manually imputting.
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Re: Is changing required fields possible??

One issue I've found with this is the default or first value: you'll quickly find the number of leads with this value goes up as sales reps quickly put in whatever they can.  To avoid this, you might have a default value of "unknown" or "other" and then monitor who uses these values.  Sometimes this indicates you need to add another value to your list, other times it means the rep just doesn't want to put in perfect data.  Either way, its better to have unknown as a value than data that is possibly wrong.
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Re: Is changing required fields possible??

This has to come from the top down to enforce entry. We have a value Lead Source called 'Sales' and another field called Lead Source Description where they are required to capture where they obtained the name (LinkedIn, RainKing, etc.). This way we track sales generated leads vs. marketing generated leads. Get your VPs on board first. I personally dont like the idea of an 'unkown' value since I like to track everything.