Is a smart campaign and trigger necessary for unsubscribes?

Level 2

Re: Is a smart campaign and trigger necessary for unsubscribes?

so, when I hover over our unsubscribe link in an email I see something similar or maybe the same as what you're talking about with the 1&mkt_tok does this mean it's tracking and I don't need a smart campaign like I posted the pic of originally?

unsub link.jpg

Level 1

Re: Is a smart campaign and trigger necessary for unsubscribes?

Hi Hayley, 

I've used these smart campaigns in the past in order to track which campaigns are responsible for an unsubscribe. It's purely to show performance of a specific campaign at a high level. This is just changing the program status so that it doesn't show the person as being a success from say, opening or clicking, because their ultimate action was unsubscribe, so it changes their status. 

I would also guess the campaign isn't synced 1:1 with Salesforce, so the program status is being manually changed in Salesforce as well. It's for reporting purposes.

Hope that helps!
