Does anyone have a fix for the display of an email template on a mobile device, specifically iphone? Our emails render fine in Outlook, Gmail, and on Android phones, but the template is not displaying correctly on iPhones. Formatting disappears, buttons become larger, etc.
Hi Rhianne,
Could you give more insight on the issues you're having? I can't promise there's a simple fix for your display issues, but having screenshots and a more detailed description of what the email template issues are a great place to start.
~ JP
Hi, Josh.
Screenshots of the issue are attached.
desktop dispay of buttons..
mobile display of buttons...
I am not sure why the buttons enlarge and stretch out so drastically from one device to the other.
It would be great if you could please share the code. So I will try to rectify this issue.
Thanks in Advance
Some information for future troubleshooting posts:
Email rendering issues are wholly to do with your own email template. This is because html and css is interpreted differently across different email clients. And note that iPhone is not an email client, it's a device. An email rendered in the iPhone's Outlook vs Gmail vs native mail app may look different in all 3.
If you'd like the community to help you troubleshoot, please provide the email html + device tested + App tested + screenshot of the issue. Otherwise, check with a web developer resource