Interesting Moments not poulated in Salesforce reports?

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Interesting Moments not poulated in Salesforce reports?

I am trying to create a salesforce report and include "Last Interesting Moment" as one of the column to see which assets our contacts have engaged from our programs.

But for some odd reason the interesting moment field is not populated in the Salesforce report – but they are when you click on their individual lead/contact sfdc profile. Any idea of such discrepancy? Their interesting moments are populated in both Marketo and Salesforce, but showing up as "-" in the salesforce reports. I contacted Marketo and Salesforce support but have no success to resolve this issue.

Has anyone experienced the same problem?
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Re: Interesting Moments not poulated in Salesforce reports?

Are you definitely pulling in the "Last Interesting Moment" field and not the Last Interesting Moment Desc" field?

Remember, that field will be over-written every time there is a new interesting moment. If you're looking to see what assets leads have engaged with, you might be better off running smart lists to look for leads who visited certain Webpages or clicked certain links.
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Re: Interesting Moments not poulated in Salesforce reports?

I dragged both "Last Interesting Moment" field and "Last Interesting Moment Desc" fields to sfdc column, some are being populated correctly and some are "-". The ones that have "-" are being displayed correctly in their individual profile but not when I'm running the reports..
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Re: Interesting Moments not poulated in Salesforce reports?

I'm having the same problem. All the fields have " - " in them in the reports but individual records have data in the "interesting moments" tab in the marketo section. I'd love to hear how to solve this problem.