Interesting Moment doesn't match Marketo! help!

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Interesting Moment doesn't match Marketo! help!


Hoping someone can help with this. 

In SFDC the last interesting moment is not the one we are setting up via Marketo . How do we get this fixed? 

In the Marketo flow step, we said “interesting moment – Email”, and in the description, we said” Requested to be contacted – (program name)”.

In Salesforce, the Interesting Moment type is showing “Email” and description is showing “opened email”. We want the sales rep to see that the last interesting moment is Requested talk to an Expert rather than just opened an Email.

Can someone advise?

Marketo Employee

Re: Interesting Moment doesn't match Marketo! help!

Do you have any other smart campaigns in Marketo that create interesting moments?  Can you provide a screenshot of how you set it up in Marketo and how it renders in Salesforce?

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Re: Interesting Moment doesn't match Marketo! help!

hi - see below screen captures.

Here is an image of interesting moment flow step in Marketo. Yes, we have many that create interesting moment but this is for a specific campaign we are running. hope the pictures help.

Interesting moment image.png

Marketo Employee

Re: Interesting Moment doesn't match Marketo! help!

Hi Niti,

You may want to blur out that name and email address.

If you have more than one campaign generating interesting moments, you will probably want to make sure that one of those other campaigns isn't overwriting the one you're expecting to see.  The lead activity log is the best place to check that.  Besides that, you may want to open up a support ticket so that support can check the order of operations of the lead's activity versus when the interesting moment synced with Salesforce.

Not applicable

Re: Interesting Moment doesn't match Marketo! help!

hi - thanks for your help. we actually resolved this.

