We are starting with Interactive Webinar and it mentions that the recording will be available for No Shows after the Webinar has been completed and they click on the Webinar URL.
Would it be possible to amend the recording before this is available to those No Shows or can we download the original version and upload an amended version so the No Show customer would see only the amended version?
Hi @Marije_Koek
As far as I can read in this article (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/marketo/using/product-docs/demand-generation/events/inter...) right here:
Once the webinar has been delivered, the engagement data along with the recording will be made available in Marketo Engage generally within 1 to 2 hours. Validate the recording and confirm whether the complete webinar video output has been appropriately captured so the same can be used to share with the audience as well as track on-demand webinar data.
So the answer depends on the definition of validating here I believe..
@Katja_Keesom - I now you've been experimenting with Interactive Webinars in the last couple of months. Do you know if it's possible to "edit" the recording after the webinar has taken place and share only this version with your No Shows & on demand audience?
I've also shared the question with the product specialist on Interactive Webinars in Adobe.
Will keep you posted!
Kind regards,
Hi @Marije_Koek
Meanwhile I've been checking this with Adobe's product specialist on Interactive Webinars.
The answer is positive: