Integrating Wistia and Marketo

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Integrating Wistia and Marketo

We've just started using Wistia as our video host, and I want to be able to track video engagement as "Interesting Moments" (and possibly as part of lead scoring) in Marketo. According to Wistia, they integrate with Marketo so we can embed a video (or at least an image) into an email and track clicks. Can Wistia and Marketo also be integrated so when someone gets to our video landing page, we can track video engagement stats into Marketo, and also port over lead information into our stats on Wistia?

Let me just clarify - we are NOT using Marketo to create our landing pages. We just use it to create emails.
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Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

You will find almost this exact scenario described in the article at under heading "Triggering Campaigns with Munchkin API".  You will have to push the wistia engagement stats as a parameter and set up a flow action in your campaign to log the interesting moment.
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Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

Kari, were you ever able to solve this?
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Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

No, simply because there wasn't really a way to differentiate between someone clicking the pause button on the video, or simply just closing the web page. Although I'm wondering if that data can be pulled from Wistia's reports that show, for each video and lead, the average "engagement" (a percentage for how much of the video is watched). That data is available in Wistia, it's just a mattter of logging that somehow in Marketo (probably as an Interesting Moment).

Level 2

Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

whaqt version of wistia do you need in order ot integrate with Marketo?
Level 9

Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

We have built a custom integration between Marketo & Wistia that will enable you to gain insight into how much someone has viewed your video. You can then bring that back into Marketo into your program statuses and track video engagement per video.


Contact me at for more information.

Level 2

Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

Hey Pierce - looks interesting! Would you use a Video program of that channel as a campaign in itself, or would you create a Video program for each video 'asset' that you use, even if they are used multiple times over other campaigns? (if that makes sense..)

Level 9

Re: Integrating Wistia and Marketo

Depends what kind of reporting you're looking for. Our clients typically just want to know how a particular video is performing, so even if they have it on their website 10 times, then they would just setup 1 video program and then include the 10 URLs where the video is posted (Marketo or non-Marketo pages alike).