Re: Integrate Web Chat - Anticipated Volume?

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Integrate Web Chat - Anticipated Volume?

Hi there,

I'm making a business case to implement live chat on our website, and integrate it into Marketo. If you have done this, would you be able to share an idea of how many new leads, increase in web traffic, etc. that you've realized? 

I know this might be IP, but hey.. thought I'd ask.

Thank you!!
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Re: Integrate Web Chat - Anticipated Volume?

Hi Carey,

What is the purpose of the live chat?  Sales help?  Technical help for exiting customers?  I dont know if live chat will attract additional leads to come to your site, but it would likely make the experience bettter for the ones that alread are visiting.   Other metrics to consider are how much time they spend on your site, how many pages they view in one visit ...and if they ever return to your site.

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Re: Integrate Web Chat - Anticipated Volume?

Great points! We would offer three channels - sales support, technical engineering support, and customer service. I definitely see where you're going with not generating many leads, rather it would bring back existing customers.