Sanford Whiteman - wouldn't creating a rollup field not work in this situation since because those type of fields don't update the Salesforce systemmodstamp? If that systemmodstamp doesn't change when the value is updated, we wouldn't be able to trigger the emails since the change would not be synced to Marketo.
I didn't necessarily mean a literal field of the Roll-Up Summary type but a triggered field with an equivalent function. But RUS fields do fire triggers, so in fact they can update SystemModstamp.
Ah, sorry for the confusion on my part Sanford Whiteman. To make sure I am understand this correctly - are you suggesting that we could use some Apex development to write to a field on the lead object when a certain data value changes on the custom object?
Yes. An Apex trigger that persists (minimal) metadata about versions/updates to child records.
Awesome - thanks for the suggestion Sanford Whiteman. I've added that to my project notes as a suggested solution. We would probably still have to use velocity scripting to get the actual field values from the custom object to appear dynamically in the email, which is also an issue.
Marketo should really have some scalable, cost-effective solution to this problem. I don't think anyone really just uses SFDC "out of the box" without creating a single custom this can't be the only time users have run into this issue and requested a more robust integration with custom objects.
Hey Valerie Armstrong, did you figure out a fix for this? Would love to hear about your experiences. We are looking for a solution as well, but I'm not sure where to start.
Im told it should be sometime in the second half of 2016, although I cannot guarantee that as timelines are subject to change. It is on the roadmap though.
Thanks John Mattos for looking into that! I'd really like to speak to someone on the product about the need for this trigger. Right now, this is blocking four critical projects for my company and I'd really like to push for this to be developed and participate in beta-testing for this new feature. If you could connect me with someone to discuss this further, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Your CAM should be able to help you with joining our beta program and getting in touch with the right product manager. You probably should also create an idea on the community or vote for one that's already out there, as this is a major source of roadmap ideas and prioritization.