Install Marketo App w/ Dedicated SFDC Sync User?

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Install Marketo App w/ Dedicated SFDC Sync User?

On reviewing the Marketo Lead Management App Installation Guide, I came across something that I'd like clarifying:

pg. 9: "3. If prompted, to enter your Salesforce login credentials. Log in as a Salesforce administrator 
Do not log in as the dedicated Salesforce user for Marketo sync." 

What are the consequences (if any) of installing the MLM app from the dedicated SFDC user's account? 

Cheers in advance for any clarification/interpretation/discussion of the above!
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Re: Install Marketo App w/ Dedicated SFDC Sync User?

I can't think of any cansequences but there's a good chance that you might not have given the dedicated user the sys admin profile therefore I expect that you wouldn't get very far when trying to install the package.

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Re: Install Marketo App w/ Dedicated SFDC Sync User?

I can't think of any cansequences but there's a good chance that you might not have given the dedicated user the sys admin profile therefore I expect that you wouldn't get very far when trying to install the package.
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Re: Install Marketo App w/ Dedicated SFDC Sync User?

Thanks for the quick reply, Cathal! In this case the dedicated sync user does have the sys admin profile so I'll try installing the MLM app using these credentials then will report back here on the results :).
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Re: Install Marketo App w/ Dedicated SFDC Sync User?

Cheers again for your assurance on this Cathal - The integration went ahead with no issues as far as I can tell. I'd suggest clarifying that sentence in the documentation to avoid confusion for others though!