Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

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Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

I'm upserting leads via SOAP API with custom fields related to the company info section.

First time I run my app with full data (include custom fields) and return the error 20105.
Then re-run the app with basic lead information, the API insert leads without problems, after that I run the app with full data (include custom fields) and the API update without problmes.

Anyone know how I can resolve this error?
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Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

Use Admin->Field Management-> Export Field Names and compare the fields you passed in via API with those found in API Name column.

View solution in original post

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Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

Not all the fields are accessible through the API, so I suspect you trying to write into a field that is not part of the field list.  Our support team should be able to help you identify why the first call failed.
Level 1

Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

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Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

Use Admin->Field Management-> Export Field Names and compare the fields you passed in via API with those found in API Name column.
Level 1

Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

We are having the same issue.

When we first attempt to upload a new lead we receive the 20105 error. This update includes custom fields and built in fields.

If we modify our upload procedure to create the lead with just the email address, and then add all of the other attribute values to it in a separate call it works fine.

The mappings are the same, the column names and everything is the same. not sure why this is happening.

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Re: Inserting Leads - error 20105 Unknown lead field

Revising my post -- you can see what I originally wrote below.

But in my case, I have processes that switch between instances of Marketo (different usernames, passwords, endpoints). I'm pretty sure that my process was failing to make the switch properly. Since the two instances have slightly different custom field names (pre- and post- SalesForce implementation), this explains the failure.

Not sure why some records in a given batch would succeed however, so this explanation may not be sufficient, will revise this posting again if I continue to have issues even after making this fix.


I am having the same issue using SyncMultipleLeads.

I'm performing an upsert on three custom fields, named correctly, each of which just has a boolean 1 or 0 value. The key is the emali address.

Most records in the batch succeed but some fail for no reason.

When I repeat the exact same action on the failed leads, they succeed. Some are created and some are updated, so it's not a question of the lead pre-existing. 

This one has me stumped. Makes no sense to have to perform the exact same upsert twice on some leads...