Increment Date Field - Change data value

Not applicable

Increment Date Field - Change data value

Is it possible to increment the date field using smart campaign?

Level 10

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Hi Arunkumar,

You probably can do this with a formula field that gives the incremented date and a smart campaign that sets your date field to the value of the formula field.


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Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

How to set the formula field to increment the date value? what is the formula for that?

Level 10

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Hi Arunkumar,

I just ran a test and it does not work in Marketo.

You will need to do it in SFDC or MSD, or else with a webhook.


Not applicable

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Do you have the document to increment the value through webhook?

Level 10

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Hi Arunkumar,

No. You need to have the web service developed. Then defining it and calling it is documented here : Webhooks » Marketo Developers


Not applicable

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Hi Greg,

Is it possible increment date value using email scripts?

Level 10

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Hi Arunkumar,

You would be able to add 2 fields (a date with a score, for instance) before inserting the result in a email. But you would not be able to store the result in another lead field.

You would use the score field to increment (+1 each time you see fit) and add it to the start date in the script.


Not applicable

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Email scripts are only for 'presentation' i.e. to display processed / calculated values in emails.

Email scripts can not write in database field (like you need here) the processed / calculated value.


Level 6

Re: Increment Date Field - Change data value

Hi Arunkumar,

You could use a webhook with some custom script. Please note webhooks are not meant for high volumes. There's only one native ReST integrated formula suite for Marketo. It's CALCITNOW - Field formula calculations – Marketo LaunchPoint .


6x Marketo Champion | Marketo Certified Solutions Architect (MCSA) | Marketo User Group Leader | International Speaker on Marketing Technology