Inconsistent PDF Page Tracking

Level 3

Inconsistent PDF Page Tracking

Hi - Does anyone know what could be causing certain PDF views to be tracked, but others not?

The activity log of certain leads shows when they have viewed or clicked through to a PDF via a webpage, however other leads who I know for certain have viewed PDFs, have nothing showing.

As far as I can see the only difference is that for the majority of the tracked PDFs views, leads have clicked directly through to the PDF from a webpage rather than through a link in an email.

The majority of the tracked PDFs seem to have been from after June this year.


Is there something that has changed recently that allows PDFs loaded in a certain way to be tracked?

Is there a way I can make sure that emails linking through to PDFs track in the same way?

Level 10

Re: Inconsistent PDF Page Tracking

You might want to create a Smart List or an Interesting Moment that says, "Clicked Link in Email, Email Is Any, Link Contains .pdf". Marketo doesn't track PDF views, only clicks to PDFs, so creating a trigger with an IM or a Smart List could help give you a more comprehensive view of who's clicking into the PDFs.

Additionally, if someone has the direct link (ex: if it's bookmarked in their browser or linked from a non-Marketo landing page without the Munchkin code), you won't get that data.

Level 3

Re: Inconsistent PDF Page Tracking

Hi Jennifer - yes we have started using the interesting moments, but was wondering how certain PDF pages were being tracked when I didn't think it was meant to be a function.

Level 10

Re: Inconsistent PDF Page Tracking

It's possible I typed it wrong, but when I visited this page:

I get a 404, which could be why it's reading as a webpage visit.