Hi MarketoNation!
I am sending out a holiday email and I can't get an image to render in gmail. The alt text isn't showing up either. I am using a Marketo quick start template they designed for us. I haven't had any issues in gmail using this template before - usually it's Outlook!
Here's a screen shot of how it is supposed to look:
Screenshot, 2019-12-16 22:18:58 - Paste.Pics
Here's a screen shot of how it looks in gmail:
Screenshot, 2019-12-16 22:17:48 - Paste.Pics
Any thoughts?
Please move those screenshots into the thread (paste them into the editor).
And of course show the pertinent piece of HTML, otherwise there's nothing to go on. Highlight the HTML using the syntax highlighter so it's readable.
Here we go. I am not a coder, so I ask for grace and patience up front!
Supposed to look:
Looks in Gmail:
HTML Code:
<td align="center" class="image-width" style="font-size: 1px;line-height: 1px;">
<div class="mktoImg" id="Photosece888f4e1-07ef-420c-99af-74af318e237a" mktoname="Photo Image" mktolockimgsize="true">
<a href="www.phillipsedison.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://go.phillipsedison.com/rs/205-LAX-984/images/cheers-distributions-600-197.png" width="600" alt="$1.2B of Distributions" style="" /></a>
</div> </td>
<!--Extra space-->
<td style="line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;" height="${Photo-bottom-space}"> </td>
Press F12 in Chrome and select the Console tab.
Then refresh the page with the email open in Gmail. Do you see an error in the console?
When you right-click on that broken image icon and hit Inspect, what's the HTML visible in the Elements tab?
here is what I see:
<img src="https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/YAztahu8BtnSxGS83Wjr4tLnx1k-3QF8zuutseiVp3ahMr8tVEjzT_DD3hzsOb6yuxXCyXdimydAl8vDE-chngMrpBRLnINh-C_jlcAGRD0aMz37fyCw3d6yyvL6OqQUkDm4_Q8k=s0-d-e1-ft#http://go.phillipsedison.com/rs/205-LAX-984/images/cheers-distributions-600-197.png" width="600" alt="$1.2B of Distributions" class="CToWUd">
No console errors?
Here's what shows up. Thank you for all of your help!
Can you send to my test Gmail account? Easier to diagnose directly in this case.
Just sent. Thank you so much for your help!
Shows up for me.
When you hover over those net:ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR URLs, is one of them the (proxied) URL of this image? (I can't see the full URLs in your screenshot so can't be sure.)
Do you have any privacy plugins, endpoint/malware security, or other special security on your workstation? Have you tried other machines/browsers/devices?