If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

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If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails


I'm trying to put together a program with a series of emails that will be sent to a static list of leads. All leads will receive the same first email.

If they open the first email, they will go down path A and receive an additional email each week for two weeks.

If they do not open the first email, they will go down path B and receive a different series of emails each week for three weeks.

I've been trying to do this with smart campaigns and "Opens Email" is a trigger and works for path A, but "Not Opened Email" (path B) is a batch filter and not a trigger and I can't get it to work. Any suggestions?


Accepted Solutions
Level 4

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

Send first email.

On the next smart campaign for path A - use Opened Email filter with the time constraint in last 24 hours - then send them the other emails with wait steps.

On the next smart campaign for path B - use the Not Opened Email filter with the time constraint in last 24 hours - then send your other emails with wait steps.

There is no 'Not Opened Email' trigger due to the need for a time constraint on it. I'd advise using batches for both, plus you can also check that someone doesn't qualify for both (they shouldn't, but it is always worth checking in case of some Marketo madness).

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Level 4

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

Send first email.

On the next smart campaign for path A - use Opened Email filter with the time constraint in last 24 hours - then send them the other emails with wait steps.

On the next smart campaign for path B - use the Not Opened Email filter with the time constraint in last 24 hours - then send your other emails with wait steps.

There is no 'Not Opened Email' trigger due to the need for a time constraint on it. I'd advise using batches for both, plus you can also check that someone doesn't qualify for both (they shouldn't, but it is always worth checking in case of some Marketo madness).

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

The above approach will work, but I would simplify the flow steps to the following

Where test_blank is the email for those who opened, and test_sample is for those who did not open


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

The SL (smart list) would be all those who received email XYZ, no constraints


Level 4

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

That will look across a leads complete activity history and if the email is not unique it will inaccurately say they've opened the email, even if it was 6 months ago.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

Luke Wotton​,

Typical and practical organizational methods would predicate that a user has all emails for this effort under a particular program (best practice).

Hence, one would use the prefix of [Program Name].[Email Name] to select the email, which is unique since you cannot create programs of the same name.

The simplification here is that when you set up the follow up campaign(s) you need not create 2 follow up campaigns for open or not, but can use a single follow up batch or scheduled campaign using this flow step.

Level 4

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

While that's true you could still have global emails held within design studio and not referenced in the program.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: If lead did not open first email, send a different series of emails

Correct, but this goes against best practice.