Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

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I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

                          __              __
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   \/_/ \/_/\/__/\/_/ \/_/   \/_/\/_/\/____/ \/__/\/___/

How long has this been around? That made me laugh.
Tags (1)
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

Okay I had to see for myself and sure enough there it was, this is pretty cool!  Thanks for sharing!
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

Its been around for at least 6 months. I remember seeing this sometime ago. 
Level 10

Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

Marketing folks certainly love leaving fun Easter eggs around πŸ™‚
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

It has been there quite a while, as longer than I've been here πŸ˜‰
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

So awesome!
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

That is so cool!
Level 10

Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

Ahh you made me look.  It is there.  Very cool Marketo. 
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

Build your own here:
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Re: I've never looked at the page source while inside the product

Nifty little Easter Egg you got there, Marketo πŸ™‚