Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails

Level 2

I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails

I've got a nurture stream and would like "success" to be any contact that clicks and opens one of the emails, say a minimum of two times. Currently, success is defined by triggers that say click in one of the emails and open one of the emails. I know that triggers only work on an "or" basis, but what I'm looking for is a way to use them on an AND basis.

I have created a smart list that has those qualifications and it seems to be pretty much accurate, but I'm not able to use the trigger "added to the list" because it's a smart list?? I think?

My other question is, if I do figure out how to use the list, will the list auto update anytime a contact clicks and opens? Or do I have to manually refresh the list?

Is there any way to create an alert and update an engagement program status based on a contact opening AND clicking on emails?

I just can't figure this one out and I know I can't be the only one having this issue.


Level 8

Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails

Hi Tylee,

If you want to combine the two with each other I'd recommend using a filter for one of the two. If you're using a naming convention it could be kinda simple to make a trigger Clicks link in email (at least 2 times) email contains "Insert root of Eng program name" with a filter that is basically similar but for "Opened email (at least 2 times), email contains..."

If your Smart List is working you can also make a Batch campaign (no triggers) that is scheduled to run daily with the same filters. It won't be triggered but at least if you know your Smart List is accurate, you will have program success updated once a day, perhaps before coming into the office.


Level 2

Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails

Thanks for that - So, I created the smart list. I put the trigger as clicked link in (list of emails) minimum twice, and filter by open (list of emails) minimum twice. BUT when I look at the members activity, they don't show any clicks. Opens, yes, but no clicks, so they shouldn't be on the list should they?

Level 2

Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails


Level 8

Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails


No you're right they shouldn't be in the list if they don't meet the criteria but in this case you added a trigger and you should only see an update once this comes in. If there are currently members maybe it's because this is a Smart Campaign already in use?

Having two triggers does not combine them, instead it will take one of them and apply the filters.

You could switch the triggers for filters (Maybe just one of the triggers to) if you clone this Smart Campaign before making changes, try this setup:

Remove trigger 1

Change trigger 2 into a filter (so past tense Clicked Link in Email - with the same constraints)

Keep last two filters

Go to schedule to see how many leads qualify (this is now a batch campaign, not trigger) then go to any of those leads' lead detail and see if it is correct, if it looks good try running this new batch campaign and then if that's successful Schedule it to run daily.

I hope this helps.

Level 2

Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails

Got it. Thank you VERY much! I need both triggers and it's ok that they are OR. I will assume that the lead I look at was already in the list, as I've been using that campaign for a month or so. I'll monitor the change and see if it helps.

Thanks again!!

Level 8

Re: I need a way to find leads that Click AND Open emails

No problem Tylee, happy to help!