Re: hyperlink in phone number

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hyperlink in phone number

Is there a way to take the hyperlink out of a phone number? Once I send a test to myself (gmail), the phone number is hyperlinked....
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Level 10

Re: hyperlink in phone number

Hi Lindsay, I think that happens on Gmail's servers, and has nothing to do with your email itself. I don't know if there's any way to prevent this from happening. 
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Re: hyperlink in phone number

Hey Lindsey,
I found this article which describes how to get around this.
Level 10

Re: hyperlink in phone number

Good find, Will!
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Re: hyperlink in phone number

The browser by default will place formatting around it for quick recognition. You could try applying your own CSS and HTML

Something like <p style="color: #000; text-decoration: none;"> Or  <p text-decoration="none" color="#000"> might mask that the browser is actually applying it. 

Never heard of someone wanting to change that? May I ask why? You may already know this but when the browser renders it as a phone number... it allows the user (on a mobile device) to click it to call rather than typing in the number manually. Typically it's a feature you would want. 
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Re: hyperlink in phone number


I agree to your point & this will help a receipient of the email to click & call the rep, but lot of ESP maily B2B  block an these email as they consider it as a link.

We find great success with text only email & sucuess rate of making it to the receipient inbox is high too.

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Re: hyperlink in phone number

Ive had some succses putting the number in a token field. It will remove the link from being rendered in the email.