Hi All,
I am not an HTML guru but would like to ask question to the HTML gurus here....
Let me rephrase....the email has been created in Marketo and in this email I have 2 images (as you see below).
Both images are aligning one above the other...
Do you know HTML code that can be used to place these images side by side (for a desktop layout). These two images below are in a token (my tokens.
This is what I found while searching for the code...
<td>Cell A</td>
<td>Cell B</td>
Please provide some edits to this code. Both images are 50% each......not 33%
Thank you,
This is far too vague. We can't troubleshoot or adjust a screenshot.
In general it sounds like you're dealing with multi-column CSS and/or floats. Impossible to know.
Hi Nimisha Garg ,
Please give both table >> td width 50% percent And add attribute align="center" to both td's.