Re: How to tackle Form Hell - feedback request

Level 1

How to tackle Form Hell - feedback request



Currently working with an instance that, due to the different marketing campaigns, which all required special custom fields in forms, resulted in a significant number of forms in Design Studio which is difficult to manage. 


My current idea is to cut down and only use a small number 1-5 of forms and using hidden fields that will display conditionally based on another field which will populate with the page URL with JS on the website.  Basically if page URL contains show this `What size order Tshirt you want`. 


Has anyone tackled this problem differently or are there any drawbacks to what I want to achieve that I'm not thinking about? 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How to tackle Form Hell - feedback request

Hi @Hipohondru 

There are a few things you can do to get your forms under control.

First, set up a few Global forms that can be used on multiple landing pages.
Use the referrer/webpage to separate forms filled out for reporting.

You can also use Custom objects to collect multiple values and questions.

It also depends on the number and type of custom questions you have or need. To ensure no sync errors, you need to consider which fields use dropdown select based on stored values in Marketo and your CRM.

Depending on your experience, it might be worth briefing an agency to help you get set up with global forms (gated, short, medium, Long and custom campaign forms) and program templates and map your logic and conditioning. Then, you can clone and create a Marketo program, use correct forms and have clean reporting.

Level 5

Re: How to tackle Form Hell - feedback request

@Hi, @Hipohondru


Perhaps you could try building out a Conversational Flow in Dynamic Chat for the custom fields. and have that fire on the submit action. You can find the advanced triggers in Conversational Flows > Your Conversational Flow > Settings.


This way you could use the same Global Form for all but then have different Conversational Flows based on each. 

Jack Siebert