we have tried to select bounces via the SOAP API as described in the documentation. It does not seem to work. Where is our mistake:
$authHdr = $this->_getAuthenticationHeader();
$options = array( 'connection_timeout' => 15, 'location' => $this->soap_end_point );
if( self::DEBUG ) {
$options['trace'] = 1;
// Create Request
$params = new stdClass();
$filter = new stdClass();
$keyValues = array( 'Email Bounced', 'Email Bounced Soft' );
$filter->stringItem = $keyValues;
$params->activityNameFilter = $filter;
// ListName
$leadSel = new stdClass();
$leadSel->staticListName = $list;
$leadSelSoap = new SoapVar( $leadSel, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'StaticListSelector', $this->namespace );
$params->leadSelector = $leadSelSoap;
$streamPos = new stdClass();
$streamPos->activityCreatedAt = "2014-08-01";
$params->startPosition = $streamPos;
$params->batchSize = 10;
$doPage = true;
$success = $this->soapClient->__soapCall( 'getLeadChanges', array( $params ), $options, $authHdr );