Hi All
Does anyone know how to conflict between Google Tag Manager & Munchikin?
I have the error message as follows:
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated
because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.
For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/
Thanks in advance!
Sanford explained this to me once.
In short, it's a temporary issue caused by overloaded Marketo servers and it will correct itself when the server calms down.
We noticed it because link clicks would often not work until they were clicked again.
Actually, this is different from the load-shedding method that we talked about once, which can lead to incomplete requests on the client side (although those requests are usually logged on the server).
This is one is a permanent feature/characteristic of Munchkin.
Thanks Nicholas!
This isn't a conflict between GTM and Munchkin at all. It exists solely within Munchkin.
The issue is that to ensure click logging completes cross-browser, Munchkin uses a now-deprecated browser feature. The warning message doesn't tell you that the requested action was not successful; it means that the feature shouldn't be used unless critically necessary (it may be removed in the future, but operates fine for now).
The message can be avoided in Firefox and Chrome if you use my Munchkin Enhanced add-on.
Hi Sanford-san
Thanks for your advice!
Do you mean I don't have to care the error?
Plus, can I ask how I can get 'your Munchkin Enhanced add-on'?
You don't need to worry about the error.
You can write me at sandy@teknkl.com if you want to try out Munchkin Enhanced.
Hi Sanford-san
Thanks for your advice and I make it a rule to ignore the rule.