I am looking for help for pull a mass report of all email campaign engagement scores. Could you please help me? Short simple and to the point. I am not good at Marketo.
Hey Alexis,
You may want to use an email performance report instead. It won't give you all the engagement scores - but it will show you all the important email metrics for whatever emails you want (Clicks, Opens, Click to Open, Delivery etc.)
The engagement score is a little bit hit and miss, it makes a lot of assumptions that don't always help you when trying to truly optimize your email marketing activities.
What would be helpful is links to the area and the process that you need to follow.......this response doesn't actually help at all.
Hi Sarah,
I really feel that is an unfair comment. The user community is not supposed to tell you how to use Marketo basic functionality such as creating a report in Analytics. If you do not understand Guy's comment it means you probably needs some training.
See https://learn.marketo.com/ and Welcome to Marketo Docs - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
You welcome
Use a Engagement program performance report. It will give you engagement score + all email details.
This can be found in the Analytics section of Marketo.