How to organize Marketo 2.0 templates

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How to organize Marketo 2.0 templates

I love how the default Marketo 2.0 templates are separated out in rows by usage (Basic, E-Commerce, Events, etc.)

I can not figure out how to categorize the templates I build in the same way. How could I do this, or is this a feature only available to the default Marketo templates?


Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to organize Marketo 2.0 templates

The best recommendation would be to have them in folders in the categories. Then, when you choose your templates, you can at least find them in categories. I am not sure that we can do what Marketo does.

Following in case there is a better way than the folders.

Level 10

Re: How to organize Marketo 2.0 templates

+1 on Jackie.

And also keep the number of templates to a minimum and use modular templates with many modules instead.
