How to measure the score progression of a set of leads

Level 10

How to measure the score progression of a set of leads


First of all we don't have the RCA feature (or anything alike) and we don't use SFDC.

I have a identied set of leads (for instance leads that have downloads our product A during the month of March) and I would like to check how their average scoring is evolving over them. How would you do that?
- create a static list that includes all those leads
- export the list and calculate via excel the average score on day 1
- export the list and calculate via excel the average score on day 30
- export the list and calculate via excel the average score on day 60
- export the list and calculate via excel the average score on day 90
What if I miss a day? Can I get afterwards what was the score in past?
Is there also a way to see which leads have been touched by a campaign? how many times?




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Re: How to measure the score progression of a set of leads

Cécile,  you are not alone in your desire for an aggregate behavioral analysis capability.  Neither RCA/RCE or Salesforce have anything like that.

You would need to export the list and calculate via excel.  You can ensure that you do not miss a day and always have the historical score value at the desired points in time after an event by creating score fields to hold the desired scores and smart campaigns to update their values.

You can see which leads have been touched by campaigns using the technique described by Adam Waterson in the Deciding Program Atrtibution Percentages help article where he concatenates campaign names into a text area field.
Not applicable

Re: How to measure the score progression of a set of leads

I agree with Elliott: CRM systems in general do not offer such report.

I would add the detail: you can take advantage of Talend Open Studio instead of spreadsheets  (free publicity of your product is pure coincidence).  
Exporting to analytical tools such as Jasper Reports Community Edition (free at would offer vast possibilities. Eclipse plugins available.
Level 10

Re: How to measure the score progression of a set of leads

I have given some thoughts about it and I have created smart campaigns (filter for history and trigger for incoming) that sort all my set of April leads into static lists :
- April Leads w/ score < 10 Day 1
- April Leads w/ score 11-49 Day 1
- April Leads w/ score 50-99 Day 1
- April Leads w/ score 100 Day 1

If I then create a trigger campaign for +30 days that says
- Lead has been added to list April Leads w/ score < 10 Day 1
- Activity has taken place 30 days ago
- Lead Score is less than 11
> Add to April Leads w/ score < 10 Day 30 (run once)

Would that work?
If yes, how can I set add to list + wait 30 days + check score?
I can only see add activity constrainst, last 30 days but that would take into account leads that have been created 2 days ago.

Cécile @ Talend