How to make available of data of WP profile, by Marketo

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How to make available of data of WP profile, by Marketo


I want to make data of Wordpress automatically transferred to Marketo, with the function of Munchkin. 

However, I don't want to embed (replace) the Marketo form in a wordpress website since this will stop existing functions that wordpress has, ones that requires the native form.

So, I'm thinking to create a Javascript that just sends personal data from a form wordpress to Marketo. In this case, can I still make Munchkin put in WP work? 

Or, in the first place what is the best practice for making available of data of WP profile, by Marketo???

Any advice would be welcome.

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Level 4

Re: How to make available of data of WP profile, by Marketo

Hi Hiroshi - I'm not sure if I completely understand your question, but we have a WP site and to get data from our WP forms into Marketo we use a plugin called Gravity Forms Marketo Add-On. We have had some difficulty in the past with data transferring over, but it's the best we've found to date. Hope this helps.
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Re: How to make available of data of WP profile, by Marketo

The other possiblity is doing a server-side post: