Re: How to integrate Marketo's social capabilities on non-Marketo landing pages?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

How to integrate Marketo's social capabilities on non-Marketo landing pages?

I'd be interested to hear how you all have used/integrated Marketo's social capabilities (both the built in capabilities that everyone has access to and the add-on modules/analytics) on your non-Marketo landing pages.  Almost all of our campaigns are centered around our website - where we have the Munchkin code on every page and iframe Marketo forms into the pages.  The only time we build Marketo landing pages is for event registration pages.

For example, we'd like to leverage the "social influence" reports.  But something tells me this is only available if we use Marketo landing pages (and not, for example, a third-party tool like AddThis (even though we have the Munchkin code on the page).

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Re: How to integrate Marketo's social capabilities on non-Marketo landing pages?

So, for the newer-style social apps (the ones that show up in the tree), they have an embed code and should be fully compatible with the rest of your website. We do this quite a lot- using those social buttons throughout

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to integrate Marketo's social capabilities on non-Marketo landing pages?

Thanks Erik.  We did a test yesterday using the iframed approach and it worked well.  I suspect the embed code will work just as well.  Where I'm finding Marketo lacking is in social analytics.  I cannot find where an all-up, aggregate report for social activity exists.  We have 800+ programs.  So it's not realistic for us to go into each program and run a social influence report or view the social funnel.  Even RCE offers no advanced social analytics.  I think when Marketo acquired Crowd Factory, they weren't thinking of the needs of the enterprise, global customer.