Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains

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Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains


Since Munchtions are getting discontinued, I had to work on alternative ways lately. In that process, built a set of webhooks. See if these can help you solve similar situations.

DIY webhooks library for Marketo - Marketo LaunchPoint – Marketo LaunchPoint

Particularly, this one Web Hook Library

Hope this helps


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Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains

Jep - holy cow! That's amazing stuff. 
Not applicable

Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains

Is there a list of functions available through this beta feature beyond REGEX_REPLACE? 
Level 10

Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains

Angus, apparently I spoke too soon and this feature is not generally available yet. There is only a very limited-scale test right now. I believe there are plans for a larger scale test (like a beta test), but it may take a little while. 
Not applicable

Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains

I too tried this once by using the field "domain name". I just add domain names to a set of emails and used that domain field in smartlist to filter out the email address for the corresponding domains. But marketo does the filter only to email address not to domains... also please tell me if there is any way on this.
Level 5

Re: How to indentify list of unique email domains

Hello Everyone

I called Marketo support and they enabled it for me. I have yet to try it but it is certainly something i will be putting in place really soon.

Does anyone know any other option with can use with Munchtions? Support is telling they seem to work the same as excel functions, for which there is a guide here:

Please let me know
