I have a setup with six Engagement programs, say A,B,C,D,E,F. Each one syncs to a different SFDC campaign. I could have set this up as one program with 6 streams but that has the downside that they would all have to sync to the same SFDC campaign.
How can I find out if a Lead is [accidentally] receiving emails from multiple programs i.e. Member of Engagement Program (> 1) and Cadence != Paused ?
I think you could do this with a smart list. You would have to use advanced filtering
is member of program 1, stream x
Is member of program 2, stream y
Since we're just dealing with EPs here, all you would need is multiple "member of EP" filters (no need to also include stream detail). But the issue I see here is what if they are a member, but have exhausted all content?