Re: How to find leads that are in multiple programs?

Level 1

How to find leads that are in multiple programs?

I have a setup with six Engagement programs, say A,B,C,D,E,F. Each one syncs to a different SFDC campaign. I could have set this up as one program with 6 streams but that has the downside that they would all have to sync to the same SFDC campaign.

How can I find out if a Lead is [accidentally] receiving emails from multiple programs i.e. Member of Engagement Program (> 1) and Cadence != Paused ?

Not applicable

Re: How to find leads that are in multiple programs?

I think you could do this with a smart list.  You would have to use advanced filtering

is member of program 1, stream x


Is member of program 2, stream y



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to find leads that are in multiple programs?

Since we're just dealing with EPs here, all you would need is multiple "member of EP" filters (no need to also include stream detail).  But the issue I see here is what if they are a member, but have exhausted all content?