How to create OpportunityPersonRole in Marketo?

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How to create OpportunityPersonRole in Marketo?

ListMObjects API is returning OpportunityPersonRole as one of the MObjects.
How to create this in Marketo?

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Re: How to create OpportunityPersonRole in Marketo?

Opportunities and Contact Roles are read from CRM. 
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Re: How to create OpportunityPersonRole in Marketo?

You can create Opportunities and OpportunityPersonRoles via the API when you are not using a Marketo native CRM integration (i.e. SFDC, MS Dynamics).

See this article on how to use the Marketo API to create Opportunities and Opportunity Person Roles.
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Re: How to create OpportunityPersonRole in Marketo?

Be aware that following the above article will produce you duplicate mobjects for OpportunityPersonRole, even if you have specified Upsert as operation. To overcome this, you should either send while updating the OpportunityPersonRole id (returned from Marketo the first time the object was created) or, create (through support) custom field on the OpportunityPersonRole which will act as external key. This external key will have unique value that you pass from your CRM system. This field should be both specified as external key and added as association attribute. 
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Re: How to create OpportunityPersonRole in Marketo?

Great point, thanks Georgi... I have updated the article to point this out.